KINDUZ Global CEO Mr. Pavan Kishore Kota Subramanya has been invited to be a part of the TECHNE Summit on 30th September and 1st October 2017 in Alexandria, Egypt. The summit which carries the slogan TECHNOLOGY – INNOVATION – TALENT acts as a platform for international global players to share experiences, wisdom, observations, predictions and opportunities. Many successful entrepreneurs from around the globe are invited to the summit to share their thoughts and wisdom with the young and budding entrepreneurs and the other experts as well.

Mr. Pavan will be sharing his thoughts through his speech on the 1st October 2017, on the topic “Secrets of Successful Start-ups- Stories from around the world”. He will be sharing his experience on launching KINDUZ 9 years ago, expanding it from one room to 4 continents and delivering more than US$ 620+ million in ROI to its customers, along the way.

Post his speech, Mr. Pavan will be a part of the panel discussion at the TECHNE Summit on 1st October. He would be exchanging his ideas and views with the other experts at the event and the audience.

Stay tuned for more updates from this session. KINDUZ believes in nurturing next generation leadership. If you wish to collaborate with KINDUZ on the same, write to us at

A brief introduction of the TECHNE Summit:
Techne Summit is an international entrepreneurship technology event hosted at Alexandria, Egypt on September 30th to 1st October 2017. Successful entrepreneurs all over the world participate in this event and provide their insights on how to launch, grow and nurture a start-up and what are the key activities to be undertaken to achieve the same. Previously in May 2016, the summit bought together 80 renowned global players in the technology industry from 20 different countries, including Cisco, Intel, Google and World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders, along with 100+ start-ups and more than 1,600 attendees on the Mediterranean city of Alexandria. Since its launch in 2015 the event grew in magnitude and coverage, both internationally as well as across Egypt, with positive repercussions on the tourism in Egypt.

Click to view the TECHNE Summit website:

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