2C stand for Correct and Complete
To perform effective risk analysis these 2C’s should be used extensively in the initial phases of risk identification.
2C for Success of Risk Analysis
While performing a risk analysis, the analyst should ensure the identified risks are complete and correct. These 2C’s play a vital role in the success of a project.
However identifying correct and complete risks in the projects is challenging. Techniques like Brainstorming, FMEA are some techniques which help in identifying the risks. However many projects have failed even after using these techniques to identify the risks. This happens because they have not used 2C’s in identifying the correct and complete risks.
Identification of 2C – Task Based Approach
It is recommended to go with approach of Task Level risk Identification to identify all possible risks in the project. In this approach the project is split into multiple tasks and categorized as Preceding and Succeeding tasks. The risks associated with each task will be evaluated to include in the analysis. The preceding and succeeding categorization will help you to maintain the flow of the tasks.
Thus, the above approach will ensure identification of correct and complete risks associated with the project.