pashupati sah profile

Pashupati Sah

pashupati sah profile
Pashupati Sah Partner

Pashupati Sah has over 20 years of experience in the upstream and midstream Oil & Gas Industry working in activities as diverse as technical research to field review of coring operations in sub-zero weather.

With a Bachelors (Indian School of Mines) and a Masters (The University of Texas at Austin) both in Petroleum Engineering, he has worked on multiple technical as well as business development projects in the industry.

He started his industrial career at the Union Pacific Resource Company (UPRC) and then with the Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (which purchased UPRC) in Texas getting his taste of working for an international oil & gas operator. He then moved to the service sector of the industry, which seemed to be his calling. He spent some time with Knowledge Reservoir (now RPS Knowledge Reservoir) as a reservoir engineering consultant before moving to a Danish service company with whom he spent the next dozen years both in a technical as well as in BD capacity, his last role being the Global Manager for Sales. He single-handedly initiated the firm’s Dubai and Kuala Lumpur office operations, and then transformed them into profit-making ventures, giving him a truly international experience.

He has been active in over 25 different countries, residing in five of them.

He has authored six technical papers over the years and has been the member of technical committees of various international SPE conferences.

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