This is what Mr. Pavan Kishore Kota Subramanya (our Global Chief Executive Officer) wrote:
“I was at Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad two weeks back (My brother-in-law is completing his MBA from ISB). For some reason I woke up at 4.00 A.M. and started reading a book. At about 5.00 A.M., I wanted a coffee and started walking to the 24/7 Cafe Coffee Day at ISB. Had an excellent coffee and started walking back.
It was still dark but you could see the twilight coming. You could hear the birds chirping and the pleasant sway of trees because of the breeze. A perfect time I thought.
The stars were still visible, but they were slowly fading as the Sun was rising. As the Sun rose higher, the lesser you could see the other stars. Someone told me when I was a kid, that the stars are all there in the sky even during the day. It is just that we don’t see them because of the Sun is so bright.
For some reason, I started thinking about what a good Business Consulting organization does. If they are in a position to transform a client from one of the many stars to a Sun; a Sun that starts to dwarf other stars (competitors), the Consulting Organization would have done their job.”
The KINDUZ logo thus represents the SUN.
The SUN Flares around the SUN represent ‘Business Excellence’.
The churn within the SUN represents the ‘Business Process Management’ and the ‘Human Development Management’, without which the ‘Excellence’ or SUN Flares are not possible.